Domestic Security
Public safety advice
Secured by design principles
Threat warnings
Secured by design principles
Threat warnings
Post terrorist incident response
Scene management & evidence collection
Media handling including social media
Communications, executive action tools, case preparation
Media handling including social media
Communications, executive action tools, case preparation
Terrorist investigation
Managing complex terrorist investigations including the use of forensics, CCTV, ANPR, digital exploitation, explosives analysis, risk mitigation, facial recognition
Crisis Response
Cross government response to terrorist attacks, including scene management, emergency service inter-agency co-operation, media handling, communications
Border /Aviation Security
Border control and immigration
Search strategies and practice
Intelligence and profiling of risk
Breach testing and standards
Physical and technical support
Employee selection and training
Search strategies and practice
Intelligence and profiling of risk
Breach testing and standards
Physical and technical support
Employee selection and training
National Security
Collection, analysis and exploitation of all forms of intelligence
Major event security
Command and control of major events including contingency planning, testing and exercising
Command and Control
C2 and C3 principles, inter agency co-operation, use of technologies (CCTV, ANPR etc.)
Counter Terrorist inter agency working
Securing borders, immigration systems
Cyber Security
Understanding cyber security threats and introducing and implementing methods to mitigate such threats
Inter Agency Working
Collaboration and inter-agency working between intelligence agencies and law enforcement
Inter-agency working between police and the military (in particular, during state events (e.g. expo, G20, Olympic Games))
Inter-agency working between police and the military (in particular, during state events (e.g. expo, G20, Olympic Games))